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Should I Be Suspicious After The 2024 Elections? What Might Come Later?

Writer's picture: Todd AaronTodd Aaron

Updated: Nov 7, 2024

The election is over and we know that Donald Trump has won the 2024 elections. But what does that mean for you, me, and each of us as believers? Some of you might have mixed emotions, some angry, maybe happy, others might be sad, while others have back-and-forth emotions or rather have an uncomfortable feeling. This is normal for many people, especially depending on your beliefs, values, and morals. Some may have decided to vote, while others did not. You might ask questions such as "What does the future hold?" Although I can not tell the future, I can express based on what God has shown me some scenarios that are likely to play out in the future. I want to ensure that you are not deceived and that you are fully awake to the possible deceptions and also movements of God's grace. You may recall a past vision that I received from God here and also here

Both of these visions are very clear. In 2016, I saw a dark black figure rise that was like Hillary's feminist image, and many people praised and worshipped her in 2024. It could be that half of America did in fact vote for her in over 65 Million votes and they are still counting. Could it be that God has heard our prayers and spared us? Could it be possible that she still might be that figure that rises between NYC and DC that I saw in the vision at a later time possibly in 2028? Could it be that Trump is that dark figure that was seen? What about in 2020 when Trump was the likely candidate to win, yet he did not? We know that I warned Christians to thousands on social media not to go to the White House on January 6th, 2021 because God would not be with them. Yet, many preachers, popular Christian social media influencers, and conservatives did not listen. God showed me 1 Kings 22:21-23 about putting deceiving spirits into the mouths of 400 prophets who told King Ahab to go to war because God would give him victory. Yet, 1 prophet told them not to go to war, because God would not be with them. But they did not want to listen to him because even one of the men said "I don't like him because he never says anything good." That day they were defeated and the battle resulted in catastrophe. We know that on January 6th people were saying "BE STRONG, BE STRONG, GOD IS WITH US!" using the verse from Joshua 1:9 and Deuteronomy 31:8 out of context. That day many went to prison, many had federal agents show up at their homes, and Christians and conservatives were given a bad name. Their hearts were not listening to God and focused on God, but rather trusting a man for prosperity, money, and their selfish ulterior motives outside of God's will and worship of him. We know that Christians were following a movement rather than God. When prominent Christian leaders, musicians, and thousands of people showed up at the White House as another event for prayer, music, and gathering. We have a so-called "prophet" compare Trump to Cyrus and smash a clay jar as if to repeat the actions of Jeremiah. Yet, it was out of context. Many professed to have "revival" and also to be having true "repentance" But let's be real, in the Bible there are two stories that come to mind. In 2 Kings 22:11 we see that when the King heard the words of the Law after years of corruption, immorality, sins, and lawlessness, he tore his clothes and people prostrated themselves on the ground in anguish. People were weeping and wailing over their sins and wrong way of living. In 2 Chronicles 7:1, while Solomon was dedicating the temple after his prayer and people's hearts were pleasing to God, fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice while everyone hit the ground. Likewise, he will consume a pure and repentant heart with fire like in Matthew 3:11. The fire will burn off the offering which represents the removal of sins and wrongdoing. (Be mindful that we know that the False Prophet in Revelation will also bring fire down from heaven, likely in a symbolic religious ceremony.) We also know that repentance in such a way from our heart and soul was not the case with the White House event. In fact, during the pandemic, these same people were mad because they couldn't go to the gym, get their hair and nails done, make money, go to sports events, go to church, sit in restaurants, and indulge in their usual lifestyle and entertainment. People weren't crying out to God, but rather upset over worldly desires and lusts, or in fear.

Continuing along with the visions and the reasons why Trump did not win in 2020. Is it the fact in the previous visions that I saw, that it's all one giant acting stage while Trump was holding the wheelbarrow with letters? Was the election stolen? Were they physical envelopes or were they symbolic of something else? What about the Oscar awards behind the White House? Was that a scheme by him and the other candidates in the office? Or was it simply God saying not to trust in man and that he showed me the Mail-In Ballots piled up on Trump because others are working behind the scenes to try and destroy Trump? Could it be that God did not reveal what was in those letters because he allowed this scenario to occur and play out to further test his people, or cause them to return more in the future? Whatever the scenario might be, it's good to also keep our suspiciousness about the future especially since God has shown me that the leftist liberals, the black power movements, feminists, LGBTQ+Z, and many minorities will rise and become weaponized against conservatives, Christians, and Jews along with the dark figure at a later time. But is it possible that God could prevent this catastrophe and judgment from happening? Could it be that God heard our prayers and that our hearts were pure enough for him to take action? Could it be that this is yet to come in the future?

Whatever the scenario might be, we should also be mindful that I have also warned that prosperity will become centerfold again as Bitcoin and blockchain will take center stage as I warned nearly a decade ago. We know that the economy will be the focus, as well as putting more money in people's pockets. I warned about this long ago, and as I've seen in a previous vision We know that God told me to warn the people not to take pleasure in the riches and gain. I am all for prosperity and making an honest living, but it must never take precedence over God, or worshipping a man that will bring you more abundance. What's the difference between some Hindus in India who made golden statues of Trump to worship for abundance, and an American praising Trump for more money in their pockets but don't give God a time of day for praise and worship? It's time that we search our hearts and ask ourselves the question from a quote on the tombstone of Leonard Ravenhill, "Are the things I'm living for worth Christ dying for?." Even before knowing about the BRICS alliance, I saw China, Russia, and Iran rising against Israel and America and also dominating the world. If this is already occurring according to the vision above, what else might be coming? How can we stop it? As I wrote in a past vision given in 2020

I did not realize while seeing Shanghai, China I saw weird symbols, writing, and languages that I had never seen before, I came to later find out that it is the headquarters of BRICS. These are scenarios that I see happening before the complete and total destruction of America, Israel, and its allies if we do not be careful to return to God and continue remaining with him with all of our heart, soul, and mind.

I believe God can relinquish his judgment from his warnings. Like Jonah, who bore a heart and soul crying desperate message of a non-Jewish nation for the people to repent and correct their wrong way of living. They took heed to the message and believed it and changed, then God removed the judgment that was coming. Although it was not completely removed, it was delayed until generations went by and we see that God later sent Nahum to warn the complacent and sinful people to repent and change their lifestyle, yet they did not listen. Judgement ultimately came and the nation and people were destroyed.

Let's hope and pray that we don't follow down the same path and become destroyed. It's up to each of us to make that decision personally with how we will live and walk. We can't point the finger or worry about others constantly. God sent prophets like Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel to people about their wrong way of living which was offensive to God or others. Actions such as love of money, greed, homosexuality, idol worship, sexual immorality, corruption, injustice, and false religions. We know that the bible says in Ephesians 5:5 that, "You can be sure that no sexually immoral, impure, or covetous person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater worshiping the things of this world." God says that it's idolatry! You don't have to physically make a statue or even a physical trump statue. You could simply be greedy, living in sin, love money, sexually immoral looking at porn, committing adultery, or having sex out of marriage. God says if we return to him, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." -1 John 1:9. We know that God wants us to live holy as he is holy. (Leviticus 21:8; Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 1:16) For he will bless us in everything that we do. God also tells us to pray for our leaders in 1 Timothy 2:1-4. We often hear from some believers "not to trust in man" Although this is true in Psalm 118:8-14 and Psalm 146:3 it says it's better to put your trust in God and not in princes. While in Jeremiah 17:5-7 it says, "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord." Those who trust in men for their strength will be cursed. It doesn't mean to have trust in others to where you become cynical and lack love and compassion. But rather it means not to look to anyone else like they are God and put your trust in them to save you as if they are a god. Throughout the Bible, God has used people to rid the nation of enemies, and evil, and even bring blessings and prosperity to a nation.

What I am going to say might cause some to become defensive immediately, but please keep reading. I believe and encourage everyone to pray for Trump, his family, those working with him, those working for him, RFK Jr, Elon Musk, Christians, Jews, Israel, and America, and that God's will be done in each of these and even across the world. That the gospel will also advance, and that our hearts, souls, and minds return to him purely. In 2020 God told me and my wife that we would have a daughter. He told us to call her Aliyah Kate and we had our daughter in December of 2020 during Hanukkah the Festival of Lights. Aliyah in Hebrew means to "return and go up" and Kate means "Pure." I did not realize the significance of this birth to God. In the times of ancient Israel, people named their children based on what God told them, or it was a symbolic message, or something related to the times or situation. So the name Aliyah Kate means "return and go up" While some in Israel say Aliyah when returning to Israel or going up to read the Torah scroll in front of the synagogue. God is simply telling us to return and go up to him pure as a light! I believe that we should make the most of these times and pray without ceasing as God tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Never stop praying for all of the above people and groups. Pray for your pastors, leaders, and even rabbis out there. We need to pray for one another and encourage each other. May we all stop becoming judges of one another and seek more unity and love.

I believe that there is a high likelihood of a false revival once again occurring. But this time on a much more massive scale. Whether that's from a leader of BRICS, somewhere else, Trump, Elon Musk, RFK Jr, someone else, religious leaders, politicians, businessmen/women, or a combination of the following. Regardless of what may rise, if we put our trust in God and continue to live for him, and also take heed to this word in 1 John 2:16. "For everything in the world the lust of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, boasting about material possessions is not from the Father but from the world." If we abide by that and consistently check our characteristics to make sure that they align with God's and not the world's. First by observing Galatians 5:22-23, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." As well as making sure that our wisdom is not by human understanding, but rather from God. James 3:17 “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."

We know that the world is on the brink of something that we have likely never seen before. A very strong delusion for both the left and right. But one who says "I can't be deceived" has already been deceived because their heart is hardened and prideful by human wisdom and abilities. May we remain humble and pray to God for wisdom, discernment, knowledge, prophecy, and understanding. While praying to know God's perfect will for our lives and living for him. We will see a continued rise in "peace," "Safety," and "unity," and God warns in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, "While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." We keep this knowledge and wisdom in mind so that we are not caught off guard. People will be high on dopamine from making money, celebrating, parties, entertainment, having fun, eating and drinking, and enjoying life and its successes. But we know that God says immediately after people say "peace and safety" that he says in 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6, "But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober." We know something is about to sweep the world. I warned on Instagram around 2017 or 2018 that Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Vladimir Putin would bring peace. Trump with Netanyahu already did with considering the Abraham Accords on September 15, 2020. Many would not have imagined that Netanyahu would be replaced along with Trump then both were later put back into office. I also predict that at a later time, Netanyahu will be replaced with someone more liberal and sinister like Yair Lapid. I had a vision of someone with sharp teeth leading Israel eventually. Yair Lapid replaced Netanyahu for a short time in 2021-2022 but it will occur again with another leader. I also predict that Trump will stop the war in Russia and Ukraine, and finish the war between Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah. While bringing peace to Palestine and Israel, Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, Elon Musk, and someone I'm not sure who I'm seeing will play a major role in it. Trump will become a major hero to many as the masses begin to crowd around him and others. Peace will begin to occur across the world after some restlessness, rumors of war, and pushback like in Iran and Hamas and Hezbollah. Trump will lead with authority and power then eventually, many Democrats may begin to rally behind him. I also predict that news sources may begin to talk highly of Trump, but at the same time, a quiet yet growing hostility toward Christians and Jews will secretly be rising. Unless our hearts remain with God and he alters his decision for a later time, we will be highly persecuted whether around after 2026 or after 2028 unless God has mercy and favor upon us all. Watch out for the push in religious movements and the growing trend with political, business, and religious leaders and movements. Always be skeptical and let your suspicions remain, pray always for discernment and an open heart without your judgment. God will protect those who remain humble and obedient. Interesting events will begin to occur in the world, and your feelings of skepticism are valid and warranted. We are thankful for what God may do in the world and who he may use to accomplish his will, but we must not let our guard down because tensions are high and times are uncertain. This is how many will be caught off guard, especially as we all desire peace and unity. That's nearly every human desire on this planet for very good reasons.

We are not sure what is coming upon the world or what God has in store. But I and many other strong believers heard to vote for Trump, yet remain alert. We know that God has a purpose for everything and that it's a natural survival instinct to be suspicious. The best we can do is to remain close to God and most importantly, pray without ceasing. Now is not the time to let our guard down or become complacent. Rest, find peace, and pray with God. But this is our time of grace to draw closer to God and be a light to whomever God leads us to while drawing closer to our friends and families. Be a good steward of the faith, spirit, and grace that God has given you and never forget to look up! Most importantly keep God's promises and words in mind. God has a plan and a future for you as the best is yet to come!

Remember not to follow the crowds, but be alert and pray. We know that just as the Romans surrounded Jerusalem eventually, it will happen the same way with Jews and Christians. Yet we do not fear but continue to trust in our redeemer when the sky opens up and we all are made new with new bodies like the new Heavens and Earth that are coming! We pray that the world does not end soon, but that our children and descendants have more time to also reach people. We know that times are getting close, but close to us may not be the same as God. Nevertheless, we are called to always be ready, alert, and sober-minded until the Messiah returns. One day you might wake up and be in a brand new world for eternity! Here is the mandate. Romans 12:12 "Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer." Remember that God is still in control, and we should pray for our leaders. But also be suspicious and don't follow the masses as things will get interesting in the waves of the nation and the world. God Bless You all!

You might also find this article interesting as it was written on November 9th, 2022

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