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Unsettling Storms, Yet Comfort Remains | How Can I Be Ready?

Writer's picture: Todd AaronTodd Aaron

Peels of thunder has ripped across one end of the earth to another in the dark and cloudy sky. While lightning has flashed and struck the ground repeatedly bolting across the sky like spiderwebs. God has spoken that it will appear that we will win agendas as two political sides begin to shape and mold, divide and conquer, then onward to capitalize on their globalist agendas. Religion is creeping into political movements, yet the God of heaven and earth is not behind these roars, as the spirit is not moving behind it nor the crying soul with a tearing of the heart and an urgency to restore God's commandments. While many celebrate, who is sitting in quietness listening to God as one pays attention to the thunder and lightning? Who hears the thunder and sees the lightning yet ignores it as the next day appears sunny? Do we see the spiritual trend within the masses? We hear of God, but do we know him? We hear about a storm, but do we pay attention? A hurricane comes to mind as one sees the warning from the newscaster and meteorologist, while everyone rushes to get bread, eggs, and milk.

But who is heeding the warnings of judgement if we truly believe in the greatest weather forecaster of all time? Do we say to ourselves "that things will continue on as it always has, I will half serve God without giving my all, and get serious if things get serious?" or are we telling ourselves "Our God is gracious, and the old God is now new and one of grace?" Yes, he is gracious and full of mercy love and compassion, desiring none to perish but come to repentance and receive the free gift of eternal life. But he promises in Revelation, which is a repeat of the prophets, that his judgement would come upon the entire world. If one truly professes Jesus (Yeshua) as Lord and savior in their lives, shouldn't we be looking to his kingdom? Shouldn't we ask ourselves why one doesn't believe that this is occurring right now? Meanwhile the remaining judgements will occur at any moment while we ignore the storm brewing while basking in the moment without storms and rain and multitudes go back to play. Shouldn't we be set apart from the crowds? Shouldn't we evaluate the inside of our tabernacles meaning our heart, soul, and mind to see what should be removed, and what must remain? Shouldn't we all ask ourselves "What am I saved from? What did God save me from?" If there is something we don't know, ask! If there is something you need help with, ask! Pray and it shall be given to you but pray without wavering or doubting! Receive the victory that he promised to those who love him, as he has given his spirit freely to help you overcome the world, just as he has overcome the world! How can we be ready? By making sure that nothing is hindering the flow of the holy spirit! If you feel a disconnect from God, like a satellite dish, storms can hinder connection. When storms enter your life, will you continue to keep your eyes on Jesus? Or will you lose faith and begin to look around at your situation and begin to waver and sink? If a sink or bathtub is clogged, wouldn't you figure out how to get the water to flow freely again? So, take time to figure out what is causing a disconnect from you and God, and what is preventing the holy spirit from freely flowing! God wants a full-time relationship with you, not just a part time job.

Serving God is not a job nor a burden unless there is religion, or you are yet to give something up, or lay it down and burn it on the altar of sacrifice. Repentance is a beautiful word, and so is obedience. Fruitful vines burst forth an abundance of good fruit from within one's soul! Living water wells up from within and nourishes your entire soul! Freedom is not free, when we have eyes for the world. But its rather freedom when we have eyes for the eternal kingdom! Rest assured those full of the holy spirit, not sure of themselves, but rather sure of God will have peace and rest amongst the storms! You might be feeling testing, shaking, or unsettling times in your life right now, but these will pass with eyes set on the greatest glory of all time and he restoration of the world and the coming of his kingdom! He says "what can be shaken will be removed meaning, created things so that what cannot be shaken may remain." We shouldn't be seeking a home on earth, nor taking comfort in things that we possess, nor the security of our careers or financial savings. These things too will pass as promised in Revelation. But we must ask ourselves again, do we believe in his words? We must not seek an alternative instruction to building the ark by seeking what another man can provide as a way to overlook the storms or judgements coming. But rather built it to God's design and receive it for what it is! Treasure! Humility brings open eyes, while arrogance and pride can pollute a once open receptive mind. Stubbornness, pride, self-centeredness, self-interest, self-will, own goals and dreams, unforgiveness, sexual immorality, lust of the eyes, desires of the flesh, love of money and possessions, one's own pursuits and gain, followings and fame, to be liked and praised, drunkenness, drugs, witchcraft, masturbation, porn, adultery, cheating, lying, stealing, hate, bitterness, envy, strife, television, social media. These and things like these will separate many from God's blessings and peace! Many will unfortunately be shut out of the kingdom of heaven.

Truly, if we want freedom, let these things go! Has someone hurt you? Forgive them! For surely you have hurt someone else in the past, ask God for forgiveness, and be sure that you have forgiven all within your heart! Do you want grace? Then we should extend grace! If we want God's mercy and compassion, then we should likewise strive to extend both! Truth and boldness must never leave one's gates of their heart, but also justice, mercy, and compassion are fruits of the holy spirit followed by humbled obedience. God's grace and salvation is extended, but the hour is late and it's soon to be retracted. I see the storm coming, like Elijah, quickly gird up your loins and run! It is coming! It will catch the entire world off guard, but you who are guarded and shielded within the strong gates of the word of God and his righteousness, will overcome all battles and storms that lie ahead. You don't want to miss what is coming! Many have temptations to find another way to enter heaven. Some by their own way, knowledge, understanding, discernment, prophecy, or by someone else's design. But you know deep inside whether you have peace or a connection with God.

Don't be so confident in your response to this, but rather confident that you are a child of God. It's found in one's humbled heart, and broken contrite spirit, open and willing to allow God to become Lord, which means ruler and master over your life. To allow him to take control of the center of man which is found by ones "will." Let go of your will which is your mind, heart, soul, desires, longings. If God says to "renew our minds daily in the spirit" what does that mean? It means enough building the ark to your own design, or someone else's design, and build by his design. Are we building a cruise ship? A battleship? Or trusting in his design and by his plan according to his purpose and will? Men build cruise ships and likewise, man builds battleships. But God tells us how to build an ark! Utilize his word. That is the map, the design, the blueprint, and the architecture of his layout and plan within his word! Don't forsake the greatest outpouring that is yet to come! Don't miss what God has planned for you and all of us! The time is short, don't reject the storm coming as just "another storm that will pass" and begin eating and drinking with all in the world ruled by the will of man. Trust in God and grow close to him, for he promises that he will never leave you nor forsake you! God is faithful unlike humans and animals who will let us down and are only a breath of air in it's lung, here today and gone tomorrow. God promises to seal you with his holy spirit, but don't ever quit seeking him in his presence. Think of Samuel, he was dedicated to being a service to God even before he was born up until his old age! Amazing! Salvation is not repeat a prayer and be saved, it's believing in his words, confessing he is Lord in your life, and truly repenting from your sins, and asking him to save you! While Grace teaches us what? "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, training us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live in a manner that is self-controlled and righteous and godly in the present age. We wait for the blessed hope and appearance of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua. He gave Himself for us so that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and so that He might purify for Himself a chosen people, zealous for good deeds." (Titus 2:11-15) You may stumble, but don't stop running the race. Don't wallow in the mud and dirt, get back up and continue the race and continue living in the strength and grace of God's through his gift of grace freely given to us called the "holy spirit!"

God hears the prayers of the righteous and hears the cries of the meek and humble. Those pure in heart will see God, those who delight in his ways, they will hear his voice and will draw near to him. Utilize this time wisely, for once the rain drops begin to fall, they will not stop. Those making the most noise now will be silent later. Those shut in with God now will speak loudly later. For God promises to use you as a sign as his word says in Ezekiel to all who rejected to heed the warning. For the righteous you will be in comfort, but those refusing to listen their hearts will fail them with fear. But you will also comfort others when the times comes and bring salvation to many. Stand firm and don't lose hope. For God is with you and he will sustain you, strengthen you, and uphold you! Keep the faith, and don't miss out on what is coming!

Ezekiel 39:7-8 “And I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel; and I will not allow My holy name to be profaned anymore. But the nations will know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel. Behold, it is coming and it shall be done,” declares the Lord GOD. “That is the day of which I have spoken.

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