We often hear about sicknesses, mental health, medicines, and doctors in our modern society. But what does the bible have to say about it? Let's first begin with mental health. According to NAMI.org 1 in 5 adults are faced with mental health illnesses each year. While 1 in 20 or 5.6% of U.S. adults experience serious mental health illnesses. 17% of youth aged 6 to 17 experience a mental health disorder. According to U.S. studies 2.8% or 7 million people have bipolar disorder, while 1% or 1.5 million have schizophrenia. The highest percentage is anxiety disorders at 19.1% or 48 million Americans. While worldwide the mental health illnesses reach 1 in 8 or 970 million people according to the World Health Organization. With these rising statistics we can often question, what is going on? Especially if Christianity is considered the largest religion followed by Islam, secular/agnostic, and Hinduism. Yet with all these statistics why does every religion have mental health illnesses? We often hear in Christian denominations that "God desires everyone to be healed." But who knows the mind of God, and is this entirely true? What does the bible truly say about mental health? Why is it often not spoken about in many religious sectors including Christianity? After all there is often a stigmatism stemming from 644 million Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians worldwide, which often quote "sickness is a demon." But is that true? After all, how many recently caught Covid, the Flu, or a Cold? Is that considered a demon or sin as well? Did Job who God said was righteous have a demon when he lost 10 of his kids, became sick, then had his friends and wife tell him how wicked he was? Far from it! God was testing him, in fact he said, "but he knows the way that I take, when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." (Job 23:10) as Peter even reiterates "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ (Yeshua), after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. (1 Peter 5:10) Let's look further into what the word of God says as well. It appears that God is saying that we will suffer, yet he will restore us. But does restore mean our health? Possibly, but in Greek sterizo means to strengthen, make firm, make stable, place firmly, render constant/steadfast, or in one's mind. When we look deeper it appears it is speaking of one's soul prospering. Look what God says here "These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." (1 Peter 1:7-9)
It appears that God's reasons are above our own, even Paul suffered illness Galatians 4:13 even while performing miracles, signs, wonders, healing the sick, and preached across the nations. In Greek, Astheneia means illness, infirmity, sickness, weakness, of the mind or body. We often see some Christian sectors justify Paul's illness as something else other than what it is, a physical ailment. Even Timothy, Paul's close friend who was like a brother suffered from terrible stomach issues (1 Timothy 5:23) in which Luke a Physician who would have treated many with medicine as there were many in those times, and he would have walked side by side with Jesus (Yeshua) as a disciple. Often traveled with Paul and would have likely been the one to recommended him to drink a little wine for his illness. The same word pops up again Astheneia, which confirms his disease or sickness.
As we look further, we can confirm that Elisha the prophet had a double portion of the spirit of Elijah, yet he died from sickness/illness (2 Kings 13:14). It was nothing Elisha did, nor was it from sin or a demon, but rather the fallen world we live in. God's ways are above our own understanding. We also see King David became ill twice if not more, yet we see two instances here in Psalm 38 and 1 Kings 1:48-50. Sure, David sinned in the past as we all have sinned, yet like him have we repented? It was because of his repentance and his heart or remorse, and humility with his mistakes and heart to change that God promised to preserve his remnant and descendants. As a result, Jesus (Yeshua) himself came from the line of David. As we look further, we see his son Solomon fell away from God, and it was never mentioned of him that he had any sickness or illness other than what appears to be depression as we see in Ecclesiastes. Yet did he repent in the end? It's not for us to judge, but we do know that he said obey God and fear him at the end of Ecclesiastes. You might ask, "so does that mean depression is from sin?" not necessarily. You see, Solomon came to the conclusion that riches, money, praises of men, knowledge, all the toiling and laboring, all the projects and buildings, all the women he had in marriage, and most everything done under the sun that men and women strive after is vanity. It appears that Solomon came to the end of himself and his flesh even amidst his mental illness, while at the end he said, "fear God and keep his commandments." (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) It appears that even those who say that are religious or secular alike often never come to the conclusion that those things are vanity. Yet both the righteous and unrighteous alike prosper and suffer. As even Solomon stated, "in this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these: the righteous perishing in their righteousness, and the wicked living long in their wickedness." (Ecclesiastes 7:15). In modern times it often appears that Solomon matches the perfect description of possible bipolar disorder with his highs and lows, but then again it appears that David suffered from extreme highs and lows of mania to depression. We can also look deeper into the mind of prophet Elijah, who just overcame one of the greatest victories in the bible. Yet even despite God's spirit and power defeating 850 false prophets of Baal and Asherah, he became so depressed, hopeless, and full of despair as he laid under a Broombush ready to die. How can this be? Fastforward earlier we see that Obadiah hid 100 prophets, 50 to a cave yet Elijah still said "I and only I am left" as an angel arrived to feed him and give him drink, he traveled to Mount Sinai and in the cave repeated the same words in great despair and depression. But was it really depression or anguish of a holy man? In today's world they would have labeled him with possible bipolar disorder which he very well could have suffered from, but even deeper, they would have likely said he was suffering from possibly schizophrenia considering how he was hearing voices and saw fire, felt an earthquake, and felt the wind yet God wasn't in the wind. He stated, "I was zealous for your laws, yet they seek to kill me." Could it have been that he came to the end of himself like Solomon? Or could it have been that Elijah was so distraught with all his sacrifice and work for God that he then felt alone and empty because people still weren't truly repenting but rather becoming more distracted in the world and still wouldn't repent or truly worship God?
After all God did take Elijah in whirlwind after telling him to anoint Elisha and that he preserved 7000 who did not kiss or take a knee to Baal. Which back then as it is today was health, wealth, and prosperity. Which brings me to the point of Pharmakeia in Galatians 5:20 and Revelation 18:23, is that medicine? Well to give a history lesson in the first century witchcraft or sorcery which in Greek is Pharmakeia, the ancient pagan civilizations also brought it into Galatia and even local Christian/Messianic communities which magic attempted to manipulate the "spirit" world for personal benefit, whether for health, wealth, prosperity, or happiness. Often times Greek magic even invoked the God of Israel because he was seen by pagans as a powerful spirit. Think about that today, even pagan civilizations used the name Yahweh amongst other names for personal benefit. While Pharmakeia is just that, immorality, and seeking gain in the world while drunk off the harlot in Babylon (The World). So how many are not kissing Baal or taking a knee to him? Remember in Galatians 5:20 Idolatry (worship of mammon, money, materialisms the world) comes before Pharmakeia, then hatred and discord/division, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, etc. That continuing in these sins, one will not enter heaven (Galatians 5:19-21).
As we look further, we find even more interesting discoveries. It appears that Jonah displayed signs of deep depression. Ready to die by walking off of a ship to drown after being accused of bringing the storm upon them. Yes, Jonah was so depressed that he said, "throw me over" He was so low that he was ready for death, meanwhile not wanting to press on anymore. He ended up obeying God after being eaten, but then became even more depressed after his mission was done warning of judgement. It appears many men and women in the bible became depressed. Even Hannah showed signs of deep depression and pain when she wanted a child so desperately, she cried so hard and bitterly that Eli thought she was intoxicated. We see Jeremiah displayed many symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar, and depression. Even cursing the day, he was born in Jeremiah 20:14-18, while it appears he was sick and in anguish in Jeremiah 17:14-15 while everyone was mocking him and against him. "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. They keep saying to me, “Where is the word of the Lord? Let it now be fulfilled!” Yet he kept pressing on until the end!
As we look further King Saul certainly displayed possible bipolar disorder or schizophrenia symptoms as he went from one extreme to another displaying paranoia to loving then hating David. Sadly, at the end he committed suicide after seeing a witch and fortune teller. But nevertheless, he displayed classic symptoms of possibly both disorders. Let's take a look at Nebuchadnezzar which the Bible explicitly states that he was struck by God with a severe case of what would be called boanthropy. He thought that he was an ox. There are in fact people today who suffer from boanthropy but it's rare. They are stuck in a dream like state thinking that they are an ox, but they never wake up. It can go on for as a few hours to many years. What about King Asa who did follow God, yet he sought a physician but stopped seeking God. Was it really wrong that he sought a physician or was there something deeper? We see that God stated that he did what was right in the eyes of God, yet later in life he rebelled, and his heart turned cold and angry. Although he was ill, he sought a Physician and stopped seeking God. Did you catch that? It wasn't that he sought a physician, it was that he stopped seeking God and his heart turned cold then he died. It's interesting that in Matthew 24:12 it says, "and because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold". Isn't it interesting that in the Greek growing cold is the word "psycho". So, in other words a cold heart is psycho, not a mental illness. The truth is a sign someone has a demon, versus one who doesn't will take great humility and discernment. In fact, in Matthew 8:34 we see where two violent men walking amongst the graves who broke chains and scared people lashing out at them, who had a legion of demons. 2000 to be exact, which Jesus (Yeshua) casted out! You see often times demons can come in the form of violence, rape, lewdness, sexual immorality, etc. We also see in Luke 9:42 that a boy would fall to the ground convulsing and Jesus (Yeshua) rebuked the "unclean spirit" and he was healed. But what about the one who was blind which Yeshua said, "neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works/power of God might be displayed in him." (John 9:3). Could God be preparing you or someone else for greater glory? What about preparing you for a greater measure of power and salvation for others so that God might be glorified through others worshipping and praising him? In 2 Corinthians 2:12 Paul quotes God saying, "my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." while in 2 Corinthians 4:17 it says that our afflictions are "preparing for us an eternal weight of glory". We know that Jesus suffered in the desert faced with temptation of instant restoration from suffering, health, wealth, and power. Jesus would have even suffered from illness, if not why would it say in Matthew 8:17 and Isaiah 53:4 that "he bore our sicknesses?" God allowed him to experience everything we did, so that we might have a power to overcome even sickness and illness. Satan likes to come to you like he did Jesus in your weakness and will tell you "God has forsaken you" or "You will not be in heaven with him you sinner". Have you ever heard these words? Many of us have, but God promises "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5) after saying to keep yourself free from the love of money and be content with what you have. Remember coming to an end of your worldly passions and desires like Solomon? Paul says in Galatians 5:24 that "those who belong to Christ Jesus, have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires".
Think about the woman who was bleeding from her womanhood for 12 years. Which in biblical culture and the law a woman was declared unclean. Which means she likely wasn't able to touch her husband if she had one or wasn't married because of her constant bleeding. Look what it says here, Mark 5:26 She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. Notice that she seen doctors and spent all that she had, yet God has mercy on her? Does it mention her sin or a demon? By no means! Now why would medicine and doctors be wrong if you are seeking God? Did you recognize her humility in approaching Jesus? Surely God can heal anyone just like his disciples could, but why did some of his disciples also suffer illness and disease? Why does some get healed and others not? The answer to that question is beyond anyone in existence! Often times because of the religious institutions we can think that we lack faith if we aren't healed, but that's not always the case. We often hear James 5:14-16 quoted as "if anyone amongst you is sick, call an elder and anoint them with oil and pray over them." We should all do this to each and every person, even more so with a brother or sister in Christ. But remember we have seen men and woman of great faith who can run laps around us not be healed and also be healed, while those with little faith or no faith be healed or not be healed. Nevertheless, why was Paul and Timothy still ill? Or anyone else in the bible suffering mental afflictions amongst physical illness? God's ways are above ours, but let's never grow weary in doing good, nor lose hope, nor lose the faith! God has a purpose and a plan for you as he does for all! For the righteous and unrighteous suffer and are healthy alike.
Look what Solomon said when dedicating the temple! This is powerful!
2 Chronicles 6:29 “When famine or plague comes to the land, or blight or mildew, locusts or grasshoppers, or when enemies besiege them in any of their cities, whatever disaster or disease may come,29 and when a prayer or plea is made by anyone among your people Israel—being aware of their afflictions and pains, and spreading out their hands toward this temple—30 then hear from heaven, your dwelling place. Forgive, and deal with everyone according to all they do, since you know their hearts (for you alone know the human heart),31 so that they will fear you and walk in obedience to you all the time they live in the land you gave our ancestors.
It says nothing about being healed, but it says, "so that we they will fear you and walk in obedience" God's word says in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. We continue looking up and moving forward, we live by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) Galatians 6:9 says, "let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." This harvest is not seen by the eyes like the restoration of Jobs riches, but rather the souls' riches for the kingdom of God that is coming. Though you may be suffering or know someone who is, stay encouraged and encourage one another to keep going. Bear one another's burdens even in your suffering. It's better to love, than to judge one's neighbor. In today's world mental illness and disease can be a product of many things like vaccines, GMO's, genetics, environmental conditions, trauma, amongst other things. In the first century Yeshua healed many souls, and it can still be done today. If you are not healed tomorrow, for years to come, or even the rest or your life, do not fear or worry! God has a purpose and a plan! The devil wants to get you distracted from praying, reading or God's word. But do not stray, nor grow weary! A harvest is coming, a harvest of the souls dedicated like Solomons temple where when the spirit came everyone hit the deck! Be a vessel where God can house his holy spirit. Don't let a moment of suffering detour you from the promise and glory that God has planned for you. Hebrews 12:11 "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Discipline here also means curbing one's passions and correcting mistakes, as it is cultivation of the mind and morals. God loves you and cares for you, be careful not to sin and continue to seek God. For in this flesh of a body it is temporary, but God and his promise with his coming kingdom is eternal. If God promises to shake the earth one last time so that things that are made will be shaken, but things that can't be shaken will remain. God is preparing us to be unshaken or unmoved by sin and anything in this world. So that we love as he loved, care as he cared, and have compassion and obedience as he did, and the characteristics as Jesus made in the image of God. This suffering is temporary, for those who are sick, keep enduring in the lows as well as the highs in your life. As for those who are well, love and be understanding. The stigmatism in many religious sectors and denominations leave many alone, helpless, feeling unloved, and not cared for. Remember Jesus had compassion like no other especially for the suffering and those in sickness. Not all sickness is a demon, and not all suffering is a demon. We see many instances where suffering and illness alike come from living in a fallen world as a way of life, and also from sin. But instead of judging our neighbor, lets learn compassion through the power and work of the holy spirit.
Remember Jesus says in Matthew 25:21-40 to not forget the least of these including those sick and suffering. He says to bear each other's burdens. We don't want to be a pharisee who instead of helping those, kept people out from the temple because we are too full of ourselves. We like the Pharisees were supposed to serve, love, and care for another as Christ did and died for us. For those suffering, cast your cares and worries upon him because he cares for you, he hears your cries and suffering. Remember this life is short compared to eternity, the more you look up and grow in faith and prayer, the more God will strengthen you in humble quiet ways. Keep the faith! We know that Job cursed the day he was born in Job 3, but he also gave glory to God even in suffering, losing all that he owned, and losing his loved ones by saying “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." (Job 1:21) While toward the end he didn't give up and God restored all things to his soul including his health. It's normal to feel all kinds of sorrows and pains, but we continue to seek God with all of our heart, soul, and mind. Even in the lonely times and great suffering, be still and know that God is with you while continuing to pray. Whether in illness or in health, good and bad times, let's not give up seeking the Lord!
Know that you are not alone, and many in the bible went exactly what you're going through right now, and many right now are going through the same thing. Know that God loves you and cares for you, and he will not forsake you. Continue living for him and walking in his grace and righteousness so that you can continue striving for his peace and love.
Psalm 34:4 “I sought the LORD, and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears.”
2 Corinthians 7:10 "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death"
1 Peter 4:18-19 And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.
Revelation 21:4-5 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Hebrews 5:8 "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered."
Thank you brother for taking the time to go into this level of detail about mental health. It really is easy to judge rather than to be a listening ear and try to understand one another. As God's people we can do better to build each other up instead of tearing each other down.